The author and editorial team behind the book "An Introduction to the Art and Science of Chinese Tea Ceremony" (teatechnique.org) discuss and debate each weeks publication.
Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 1, Section 1: Levels in Practice Paid Members Public
Serendipity, experimentation, and chance cannot be ignored as a function of the development of practice; individuals do not inhabit a single level at a time – the borders and boundaries are fuzzy, and the education of a practitioner non-linear.
Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 3: Use, Disuse, and the Experience of Meaning Paid Members Public
A concerto can exist on a page or it can exist on the stage. The existence of a work is not sufficient for the judgment of its beauty; should you be unable to read sheet music, the notes will fail to sound; it takes an orchestra to raise a concerto for the appreciation of its beauty.
Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 1: Levels of Practice Paid Members Public
This editorial conversation discusses Levels of Practice. Our discussion centers on the understanding of the Utilitarian, Structural-Functionalist, Phenomenological levels of practice as applied to Chinese Tea Ceremony.