Change Log: 6/27/2023
- Edit to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 1: The Three Strata of Yixing Ore, sidenote 26: Standardized the pronunciation of 川埠查林矿区 (Chuanbu Chalin Kuangqu).
- Edit to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 2: Developmental History of Yixing Mining, sidenote 5: added additional information on mine flooding.
- Edit to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 3: Specific Yixing Zisha Mines by Region, sidenote 10: added information on variations in the pronunciation of 川埠查林矿区 (Chuanbu Chalin Kuangqu).
- Edits to Book 2 - Chapter 7: From Yixing Ore to Zisha Clay: details the necessity of scraping organic matter from the surface of the aged zisha bricks clay before re-working.
- Minor edit in Book 2 - Chapter 3, Section 4: Qing Dynasty Yixing History, sidenote 48 & 52: corrects who's to whose.
- Minor edit in Book 2 - Chapter 3, Section 5: Ming Dynasty Yixing History, sidenote 10: clarifies the sidenote as referencing only additional chops.
Other Content:
- No Changes.
- This is the last of the edits to prior chapters!