Change Log: 10/2/2024

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen


Other Content:

  • No Content.


  • We are, obviously, way behind on publication schedule and I apologize. Zongjun was working abroad (not China), Emily was on her Honeymoon (congrats!), and Pat had acute appendicitis (operated, partially recovered)... overall, I've been playing catch-up since the Tea Technique 2024 Research trip to Wuyi, and these other events haven't helped.
  • For any subscriber that canceled your subscription in the last 3 months (because of the slower publication schedule) - if you email me, I will comp you 3 months of access. We are sorry to see you go!
  • The next bi-monthly Talk, Taste, and Troubleshoot is scheduled for October 15th at 5:30pm - 8pm EST. As always - feel free to bring difficult tea or teapots for triage and troubleshooting, tea for age or provenance verification, questions for the group, or just show up to taste some good tea from Jason's collection. Subscribers are welcome to bring a guest.
  • Our next live AMA is scheduled for October 9th, 9pm EST. The event is free and open to all. Please send us your questions in advance by replying to this email or via DM on Instagram. It would be great to have you join us - we will send the Zoom link in the next update.
Change Log

Jason M Cohen

Master of Ceremonies at Tea Technique. Founder & CEO of Simulacra Synthetic Data Studio. Previously: Founder of Analytical Flavor Systems & Founder of the Tea Institute at Penn State (defunct).
