Change Log: 10/15/2024

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen


Other Content:

  • No Changes.


  • Thank you to everyone who joined us for the AMA last week - we had a great time taking your questions! We will post the talk on the podcast channel and YouTube soon.
  • The bi-monthly Talk, Taste, and Troubleshoot is tonight at 5:30pm - 8pm EST. As always - feel free to bring difficult tea or teapots for triage and troubleshooting, tea for age or provenance verification, questions for the group, or just show up to taste some good tea from Jason's collection. Subscribers are welcome to bring a guest. RSVPs by replying to this email are preferred but not required.
Change Log

Jason M Cohen

Master of Ceremonies at Tea Technique. Founder & CEO of Simulacra Synthetic Data Studio. Previously: Founder of Analytical Flavor Systems & Founder of the Tea Institute at Penn State (defunct).
