Jason M Cohen

Master of Ceremonies at Tea Technique. Founder & CEO of Simulacra Synthetic Data Studio. Previously: Founder of Analytical Flavor Systems & Founder of the Tea Institute at Penn State (defunct).

Editorial Conversation: 2023 Research Trip Report: Part 3 - Yunnan Members Public

The show is also available on YouTube and Spotify.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 6/27/2023 Members Public

Book: * Edit to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 1: The Three Strata of Yixing Ore, sidenote 26: Standardized the pronunciation of 川埠查林矿区 (Chuanbu Chalin Kuangqu). * Edit to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 2: Developmental History of Yixing Mining, sidenote 5: added additional information on mine flooding.   * Edit to

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Change Log: 6/16/2023 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 2 - Chapter 8, Section 2: The Skill and Practice of Blending Zisha Ore. * Minor change in table of contents, moving F1 slurry mold chapter later in the book. * Edits to Book 2 - Chapter 6, Section 1: Three Strata of Zisha Ore: removes mention of zhushani

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: 2023 Research Trip Report: Part 2 - Chaozhou Members Public

The show is also available on YouTube and Spotify.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 6/2/2023 Members Public

Book: * Major change to introductory paragraph in Book 2 - Chapter 3, Section 2: The Origin of Teapots: the paragraph was edited to clarify the originally intended meaning. * Major change to Book 2 - Chapter 3, Section 3: Ming Dynasty Yixing History: fixed mispelling of Yang Xian Renowned Teapots book

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: Chapter 6, Section 2: Developmental History of Yixing Mining - Part 2 Members Public

The show is also available on YouTube and Spotify.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 5/25/2023 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 2 - Chapter 8: Specific Yixing Ore and Zisha Clay. * Major update to Table of Contents for Chapter 8. Other Content: * Published Editorial Conversation: 2023 Research Trip Report: Part 1 - Yixing Bonus Episode. * Published Guest Post: Patrick Penny, Research Trip 2023 – Chaozhou on Cult of Quality

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: 2023 Research Trip Report: Part 1 - Yixing Members Public

The show is also available on YouTube and Spotify.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen