Jason M Cohen

Master of Ceremonies at Tea Technique. Founder & CEO of Simulacra Synthetic Data Studio. Previously: Founder of Analytical Flavor Systems & Founder of the Tea Institute at Penn State (defunct).

Change Log: 5/6/2021 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 1 - The Future of Chinese Tea Ceremony: How do other praxes progress their techne? [https://www.teatechnique.org/how-do-other-praxes-progress-their-techne/] Other Content: * No Changes Updates: * No Changes

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 1, Section 1: Levels in Practice Members Public

Serendipity, experimentation, and chance cannot be ignored as a function of the development of practice; individuals do not inhabit a single level at a time – the borders and boundaries are fuzzy, and the education of a practitioner non-linear.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 4/29/2021 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 1 - The Future of Chinese Tea Ceremony [https://www.teatechnique.org/future-chinese-tea-ceremony/]. Other Content: * No Changes Updates: * We are experimenting with the podcast posting schedule; we have a few backlog conversations on previous chapters to record and each new chapter to record. Each new book chapter

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Change Log: 4/26/2021 Members Public

Book: * No Changes Other Content: * No Changes Updates: * Fixed an oversight from 4/22/2021 [https://www.teatechnique.org/posts/change-log-4-21-2021/] where the weekly change log was unlisted and the new chapter was not linked in the Table of Contents on the home page. Apologies!

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 3: Use, Disuse, and the Experience of Meaning Members Public

A concerto can exist on a page or it can exist on the stage. The existence of a work is not sufficient for the judgment of its beauty; should you be unable to read sheet music, the notes will fail to sound; it takes an orchestra to raise a concerto for the appreciation of its beauty.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 4/21/2021 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 1 - Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Context: Use, Disuse, and the Experience of Meaning [https://www.teatechnique.org/use-disuse-and-the-experience-of-meaning/]. Other Content: * Tea Technique now includes a free podcast, "Editorial Conversations" for each chapter, available on: * Tea Technique [https://www.teatechnique.org/tag/podcast/] (web) * Spotify

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log

Editorial Conversation: Book 1 - Chapter 1: Levels of Practice Members Public

This editorial conversation discusses Levels of Practice. Our discussion centers on the understanding of the Utilitarian, Structural-Functionalist, Phenomenological levels of practice as applied to Chinese Tea Ceremony.

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen

Change Log: 4/15/2021 Members Public

Book: * Published Book 1 - Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Context: What to Make of Dragons [www.teatechnique.org/what-to-make-of-dragons/] * Updated Book 0 - Chapter 2: Ceremony: A Working Definition [https://www.teatechnique.org/ceremony-a-working-definition/] to correct the spelling of Dar-Ye to Da-Rye Other Content: * No changes Updates: * Working on potential

Jason M Cohen
Jason M Cohen
Change Log